What is equality
the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities.
"an organization aiming to promote racial equality"
Women and violence
Women have been underestimated for a long time and still are to this day. There is obvious violence against women, in some countries, they are beaten or put in an arranged marriages where they will not be happy. Women have gained a voice through social media and should express themselves if they are comfortable. Though this problem seems to be getting better over the years with the help of social media and education, we hope to find solutions to speed the progress up.
We are researching how bad this problem is in Iceland, Italy, Germany, Hungary, Croatia, and Spain. The issue is worldwide and it has to be stopped.
Sexism has always been an issue in our society, however, we have been trying our best to educate people about feminism and equality in all genders. About 35% of women worldwide have experienced violence or sexual assault in public places and the majority of them are too scared to stand up for themselves and tell their stories. Women around the world have felt unsafe in their own bodies because some men are trash-talking, catcalling, or even masturbating right in front of them. Sexual violence is a serious problem that needs to be solved. Sexual violence is an attempt to obtain a sexual act, or an act directed against a person’s sexuality using coercion, by any person regardless of their relationship to the victim. Rape is one of the hardest topics of assault and can ruin a person's life, Male or Female.
Hot topics
Ban on abortion is a hot topic right now, some people are pro-life and others pro-choice. If there will be a worldwide ban on abortion there will be more cases of death and murder. Women will try to get rid of the fetus themselves which could be life-threatening and there could be a rise in cases of women murdering their babies.
There are a lot of reasons for women to make the choice of abortion, and it´s not an easy choice to make. Maybe they don't have a stable income or they have been raped or simply aren´t ready. We don't think it's right to bring a child into this world if the parents of the child aren't stable enough to take care of the child and give it a good life.
What is feminism
Many people don't know what feminism is and assume that feminists are sexist and hate all men, that simply isn't true. You can be a feminist no matter what gender you are. There is no such thing as an extreme feminist because if it goes too far it turns into sexism.
Feminism is all about equality and helping women get the SAME rights as men in our society.
It's sad that some people say that the word is ruined and can not be used anymore because of the "extremes".
We need to educate our children about human rights from an early age so they can fight for themselves in this society
Famous quotes about women by famous women in history
“Girls are capable of doing everything men are capable of doing. Sometimes they have more imagination than men”
Katherine Johnson, mathematician and one of the first African-American women to work as a NASA scientist
“The success of every woman should be the inspiration to another. We should raise each other up. Make sure you’re very courageous: be strong, be extremely kind, and above all be humble.”
Serena Williams,
professional tennis player who has won more singles titles than any man or woman
“A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither should she adjust to prejudice and discrimination.”
Betty Friedan,
writer and activist credited with sparking 20th-century wave of feminism