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Social status of women in Italy.


In Italy, ISTAT data show that 31.5% of women have suffered some form of physical or sexual violence during their lifetime. Only in 2019 111 women killed, 88.3% were killed by a known person. In more than half of cases, women were killed by their current partner or previous partner. In the three years, 2017-2019 women who had at least one access to the emergency room with the indication of a diagnosis of violence are 19.166. 57% of accesses are women between 18 and 44, 24.4% are between 45 and 64, minors make up 14.3% of the total and women over 64 are 4.3%. During the pandemic, the number of calls has grown considerably compared to the same period of the previous year (+71,7%). As economic resources become scarcer, forms of abuse, power, and control by the partner may also increase. Too often we hear of women being physically and psychologically abused and that is why we must all try to do something. I think that little things can change a lot of things. In order to put an end to this problem we must change the hum
In order to put an end to this problem we must change the human mentality, because facts are the consequences of our mentality and if we change the way we see the world, then the world will already be changed.

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