What people can do better to speed the progress up.
ICELAND - After taking a look through the results from the test we saw that Iceland knows it’s a problem. Iceland knows women around them feel unsafe in their own home country. We can see on the test 72% of people who answered thought that the percent of assault on women was 40% which is actually lower. The percent of women who have been assaulted is 35%, so we know it's a problem. But what can we do to fix it? We need to need to educate children early on about these things and make it so.
GERMANY - Our survey on `Violence against women and girls` had about 400 participants in the last 20 hours. 67% were females, 30% males and 3% gender nonconfirming. 89% were under the age of 22. We were surprised by the understanding of this topic as much as we were by the honest answers yet the last few questions represented the the problem with our society. 40% of our participants who identify as female experiences violence against themselves. Almost 3 out of 4 people see this topic as a serious problem in our country. Even though we have a huge problem with violence against women and girls, there are many people who want to change that!
HUNGARY - I was surprised by the stories told by the others. In my country, I think that progress would be better if we had a subject like in Iceland. Or maybe the laws were stricter. I liked these afternoons because they were enriched with new knowledge about other countries
CROATIA - The problem of sexual and domestic violence in Croatia can be solved in two important steps. The first step consists of educating young people and children and implementing the idea of gender equality throughout the school curriculum. Moreover, the second step would focus on removing prejudice and stereotypes that are still so prevalent in Croatian society and bringing people closer together to start thinking as a one, as a nation. Everyone should stop judging others based on their gender or sexual orientation and instead look at whether the person is morally good or bad.
ITALY - As I was able to see from the results of my test, I found the interest of only 14 people, of whom only one was a boy. Here in Italy, for many people, there is a problem with mentality. In fact, it is constantly thought that the problems are always of others until then we do not have to face them. I have found this attitude hundreds of times with regard to serious problems and I am sorry to hear about that. Together we need to find a way to really make people aware of having a different behaviour, more supportive towards others and I think that taking part in this project, although brief, has stimulated me even more to change this situation in my country and in the world in general. As I said before, if we change the way we see the world, then the world will already be changed.
SPAIN - I believe that this problem needs to be solved from the education in schools since the kids are still young. Furthermore we shouldn’t keep quiet when we see an injustice and educate ourselves to be able to correct bad behaviors of others.